Licence to Supervise Research

Licence to Supervise Research

Licence to Supervise Research (HDR)

Licence to Supervise Research (HDR) is the highest French diploma.

The HDR recognizes the candidate's high scientific level, the originality of their approach in a particular field of science, their ability to master a research strategy in a sufficiently broad scientific or technological field, and their capacity to supervise young researchers.
In particular, it qualifies candidates for admission to the corps of university professors (Decree of November 23, 1988, modified by the decree of July 13, 1995).

  • possibility to apply for a position as university professor (after registration on the qualification list by the Conseil National des Universités)
  • to be a thesis supervisor
  • be chosen as thesis reviewer

The role of the Health HDR Commission is to examine all HDR applications submitted to Sorbonne Université by doctors or healthcare professionals, and by non-physician researchers whose research is related to health.
It is chaired by Prof. Olivier BENVENISTE and comprises 12 members. It meets 4 times a year: March, June, September and December. Applications are sent for assessment to three external rapporteurs who must not belong to Sorbonne Université and must not have published with the applicant. An internal rapporteur is also appointed. At the next meeting, 3 months later, the committee examines the external and internal reports. There are no precise quantified criteria for obtaining authorization to defend the HDR; the commission judges a balance between 4 key elements of the application file:

  • titles and works, in particular A and B level publications (SIGAPS national classification), including those signed as first or last author ;
  • participation in the supervision of young researchers, particularly Master 2 and PhD students ;
  • research funding (PHRC, ANR, ERC), personal funding (grants) and patents.
  • the research project.

On the other hand, teaching and hospital services are not part of the elements examined for an HDR.

The committee can issue three types of opinion: premature defense, favorable opinion or unfavorable opinion. Once registered at the University (authorized by the President of Sorbonne Université, who validates the composition of the defense jury only after a favorable opinion from the HDR commission), the candidate organizes their oral defense. A decree of October 27 authorized the exceptional use of video-conferencing for the presentation of HDR work.

President : Pr. Olivier BENVENISTE 14 members :

  • Pr. Isabelle Audo,
  • Pr. Stéphanie Nguyen Quoc,
  • Pr. Magali Svrcek,
  • Dr. Capucine Trollet,
  • Pr. Guy Gorochov,
  • Pr. Alexandra Aubry,
  • Pr. Irène Netchine,
  • Pr. Emmanuel Letavernier,
  • Pr. Jérémie Sellam,
  • Pr. Bruno Stankoff,
  • Pr. Olivier Traxer,
  • Dr. Damien Bachasson,
  • Dr. Priscille Sauvegrain.

Applications may be submitted to only one institution during the same academic year.
Candidates who have already been registered for this diploma at an institution other than Sorbonne Université are required to state this fact.
(Decree of November 23, 1988 modified by the decree of July 13, 1995).

Applicants should follow the instructions in the guide provided by the committee, available below and from the HDR health committee coordinator: chloe.daburon@sorbonne-universite.fr.

For further information, please download the documents below.



Chloé Daburon
Direction de la recherche et de la Valorisation - Service Pilotage

Président de la Commission HDR

Direction de la Recherche et de la Valorisation de la Faculté de Santé Sorbonne Université 91, Boulevard de l’Hôpital – 75013 PARIS