
Midwifery studies

The job

The perinatal policy gives midwives a prominent place in the health field. Midwives are employed in health care institutions in the maternal and child welfare sectors (including family planning), or they are self-employed.

A midwife is one of the three medical professions classified under Title IV, Book 1 of the French Public Health Code.  Professional regulations are set out in the Midwives' Code of Ethics.

Professional regulations :

Midwives' Code of Ethics

Midwives’ field of expertise has broadened and today, midwives are responsible for everything related to women's reproductive health, from contraception to prevention in gynaecology and this is when the woman is not suffering from a pathology. In this regard, they are autonomous and responsible for everything they do (clinical exams, prescriptions, medical procedures, ultrasounds, vaccinations, etc.).

The Saint-Antoine School of Midwifery

The midwifery school is linked to the Faculty of Medicine. It provides initial and further training in midwifery.

The school's premises are located within Saint-Antoine Hospital, in the Maurice MAYER building, door 1.

On the second floor you can find:

  • the school office
  • the director's and teachers' offices
  • lthe documentation centre

In the basement there are:

  • classrooms and workstations

Around 180 students are enrolled at the school (4 classes of 40 to 50 people). They are supervised by a team of 10 teaching midwives, 3 secretaries and a director.

Midwifery studies

Studies for the midwifery diploma are made up of two cycles [stages]:

First cycle

Reference text : Decree of 19 July 2011

is the first three years of study. It comprises six semesters of training (including PACES [first year of medical and paramedic studies]), which are worth 180 European credits. It is certified by the diploma of General Training in Midwifery Sciences (FGSMa in French) and is the equivalent of an undergraduate degree.

The modules are made up of a common knowledge base in medical studies (semiology, embryology, anatomy,
physiology, pathology, infectious agents, pharmacology, hormonology-reproduction, health-society-humanity, public health, research approach, IT and Internet certificate (IT, English, etc.) and in speciality subjects (gynaecology, obstetrics, midwifery,
neonatology, paediatrics).
This cycle’s modules also include electives and clinical modules (placements), i.e. 58 to 60 weeks (ECTS).

Cursus maieutique

Second cycle

Reference text : decree of 11 march 2013

comprises four semesters worth 120 European credits. It is certified by the State Diploma of Midwifery which is the equivalent of a Masters degree.

Theory-based modules cover the following areas: obstetrics, midwifery, clinical approaches, antenatal diagnosis and foetal medicine, neonatology-paediatrics, gynaecology-women's reproductive health and fertility assistance, pharmacology, public health, humanities and legal-social sciences, economics, management and foreign languages, research, thesis writing and personalised studies.

The assessment also covers clinical modules that aim to develop the necessary skills for carrying out the profession
described in the reference document :

Midwifery profession and skills

mastering clinical reasoning. They include placements worth 48 to 68 ECTS. The Therapeutic and Clinical Overview Certificate (CSCT in French) is designed to accredit the skills acquired.

The National midwifery diploma is awarded by the University to students who have passed all theoretical and clinical courses, have received the therapeutic and clinical overview certificate, and have completed a thesis.

Job sheet - Midwife

Entry requirements


  • High school diploma + success in the entrance exam at the end of PACES (first year of medical and paramedic studies]
  • Recommended high school diploma: Sciences
  • Total duration of the studies: 5 years (10 semesters).

To be admitted to continue studying midwifery in 2nd year and to join a specific course structure, the student must be classified in the relevant ranking list for their chosen field. The numerus clausus is set each year by the Minister of Health and the Minister of Higher Education. (Subject to changes to PACES)

The Saint-Antoine School of Midwifery welcomes 30 students from La Pitié-Salpêtrière, 10 students from Créteil and 4 students from New Caledonia.

The tuition fees are the same as those for enrolling in the Faculty of Health Sciences and the CVEC [Student Life and Campus Contribution], in addition to which there is mandatory liability insurance for placements.

Direct entry

The decree of 24 March 2017 replaces the 2010 decrees and provides for direct entry into 2nd or 3rd year of medical, dental, pharmaceutical or midwifery studies. In this context, tuition fees (€2,700) are due when starting your studies.

And after the diploma…

Exemptions in paramedical studies

Refer to the decree of 21 December 2012 amending the decree of 31 July 2009 on the national nursing diploma.
Midwives can take a course which will give them a national diploma in childcare, anaesthesia nursing, and operating room nursing.


Continuing Professional Development (CPD), which is ethically mandatory, may include university
courses such as university degrees: University degrees in ultrasound, foetal medicine, contraception and gynaecological follow-up for
prevention, birth control, acupuncture, managing high-risk pregnancies, medical ethics, perinatal psychology and Masters degrees (Master's in human biology, epidemiology, public health, management, training engineering, ethics, psychology, medical law, etc.).


In accordance with the decree of 7 October 2016, 2nd cycle students [in years 4 to 6 of medical studies] benefit from the status of public official. Because of this, they receive around €130 of gross compensation a month in their 4th year and a gross amount of €250 a month in their 5th year, as well as a contribution towards transport costs, subject to certain conditions.
Hospital midwives’ gross monthly salary is around €2,000 at the beginning of their career.
At the end of their career, the salary of a grade II midwife [with more responsibility] is a gross amount of €3,700.
In 2017, the average monthly income for a self-employed midwife was estimated to be €2400, less expenses.


School of Midwifery of Saint-Antoine, Sorbonne University

Campus Picpus, 33 boulevard de Picpus CS 21705 75012 Paris

Midwifery Board of Directors

56, rue de Vouillé 75015 Paris