
Career guidance and integration

Orientation and Professional Integration Department (OIP)

OIP supports all Sorbonne University health students, whether they are in the process of completing their studies or at the end of their degree, in all cycles and throughout the year, to help them build their plans for career orientation, reorientation and/or professional integration.

At OIP, you'll learn to :

  • Writing a CV and cover letter
  • Prepare and train for individual, group and telephone interviews, etc.
  • Do a skills assessment, define your soft skills, your profile
  • Analysing your market
  • Understanding the health of your field
  • Choose a training course, find out about the skills to be acquired, careers and related fields
  • Finding your bearings
  • Other inquiries

In workshops, in small groups of 10 to 15 students maximum, at the request of training managers or by individual registration; workshops last 2 or 4 hours, depending on the theme.
They provide an opportunity to share experiences and role-play in a dynamic group setting.

Interviews and individual follow-up, by individual registration, to deepen certain aspects and benefit from more personalized support, adapted to the pace and needs of each individual.



Workshops and individual interviews by appointment .

Bureau n°236, 2e étage, 91 boulevard de l'hôpital 75013 Paris